The Passion-Driven Classroom - Reviews

Course Reviews

"After working through and reflecting on all that I've learned in The Passion Driven Classroom, I discovered that this class not only surprised me and increased my knowledge base but I'm also walking away with solid plans to create a passion driven classroom when I return to teaching. That is the combination that we as learners and educators hope for!"
-- D.B. from Ohio

"This course has helped me realize the need for more passion-driven classrooms because our students deserve to be cared about and happy at school, more engaged and excited about learning, and prepared for the future workforce...I had never really thought about an intangible passion variable being so important to learning."
-- M.T. from Florida

"What I will take away from this course is the learning club classroom. I plan on turning my intervention courses into math clubs with a more fun direction and making the class feel like a club-like atmosphere instead of a support class...The passion poem was what I loved the most. It was just perfect. I am going to hang that in my classroom and look at it often."
-- S.W. from Nevada