Dealing with Difficult Parents - Reviews

Course Reviews

"This course was definitely eye-opening to me as a teacher. I have found the information extremely valuable and enlightening. While I wish I had learned these strategies at the very beginning of my career, I am excited to continue seeing the outcomes of using these strategies in my classroom."
-- E.P. from New Jersey

"This class made me realize that parents act a certain way because of current situations or their past experiences. In order for us as educators to understand where our students are coming from, it is important for us to understand their parents' situations. Households have changed dramatically over the last several years and there are many more single-parent homes and homeless children. Many parents are doing their best, the best they know how. It is our job as educators to help them realize the importance of helping their children receive the best education that they can receive. All parents want what is best for their children, they just don't know how to get it. It is our job to help them realize how they can help."
-- H.M. from Oregon

"This course made me reflect on my teaching and the relationships that I have with students and their parents. It gave me some great tools and techniques to try with parents and ideas on how I can build better relationships and involve parents more in their child’s education. One of the hardest things for me is dealing with parents in difficult situations. This course really made me reflect and think about how it might feel to be on the other side of a situation."
-- T.J. from California

"There is a great deal to learn in this course. In reading through the modules and some of the case examples of situations and conversations with parents, it made me remember many of the dealings that I have encountered through the years. It reinforced my experiences and how I dealt with past situations and also made me look at how I could have handled a few cases different. Overall, this course has been a great learning experience for me."
-- W.O. from Ohio