Differentiated Instruction Refresher - Reviews

Course Reviews

"This class on differentiation has been very refreshing for me. I love learning new strategies and I will try anything to help my students learn. I have learned a lot from this class that I have been able to relate to my own classroom and that is what is so important to me! Thank you! "
-- S.S. from Ohio

"When I was looking at the list of options online for classes, I was excited to see this course being offered. It seems that differentiating instruction has always been a challenge throughout my teaching career, but has become more so of a challenge as special education requirements change, curriculum demands become increasingly rigorous, the amount of children with attention difficulties seems to increase year after year and budget cuts cause the phasing out of specialist teachers.
Thank you for offering such a complete, concise and user friendly class for educators. This is the kind of learning I like best; reflective, meaningful, easily applied and at my own pace. I am walking away with knowledge I have used and will continue to use and well as practical applications for my classroom, the dream of all teachers. Can't wait to share with my colleagues!"
-- M.A. from Illinois

"The class really helped me understand how my anchors can fully extend student learning and engagement. Instead of treating these as an after thought to ensure that early finishers "stay busy" I can take a little more time to ensure that these valuable teaching tools meet and extend learning objectives.
Differentiation has been one of the most intimidating aspects of teaching such a wide range of ages, grades, and ability levels. The strategies I learned in this class will help me support myself to grow as a teacher as I practice the different techniques to see what works and what doesn't for my situation. It also helped me by identifying the differentiation strategies I already employ and by giving language to the nuances of this valuable pedagogy."
-- B.S. from California